
A Doctor of Medicine Explains Rehabilitation and Digital Technology (Part 1)

The first part: Expectations for “EsoGLOVE™” from the Field of Neurorehabilitation

Wellness and Exercise therapy, Singapore, Medical devices

To Establish a New Standard for the Treatment of the Post-Stroke Syndrome


Source: Roceso Technologies Private Limited

Next-generation neurorehabilitation
Japan's number of patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease (stroke) has reached approximately 1.12 million.1) This number is the second leading cause of the need for caregiving.2) In addition, rehabilitation after stroke is indispensable because motor paralysis, a typical sequela of stroke, makes it difficult for patients to return to work, return to society, and become independent in their daily lives.

Stroke rehabilitation with high medical evidence based on the latest brain science is collectively called “neurorehabilitation.” In recent years, it has evolved from an era centered on manual therapy by therapists to an era of next-generation neurorehabilitation that uses various tools in combination. Although it has been a long time since the concept of neurorehabilitation became popular among clinicians, there is insufficient evidence for the practice of next-generation rehabilitation that uses tools. I considered being in a transitional stage.

Development of EsoGLOVE™ by Roceso Technologies
Singapore-based Roceso Technologies, founded in 2016 by technopreneur Ms. Jane WANG, Dr. Hong Kai YAP, and Dr. Raye YEOW, is a world leader in soft robotics. In particular, the company has developed several neuroscience-based rehabilitation assistance robots, the centerpiece of which is the EsoGLOVE™ Hand Rehabilitation System. EsoGLOVE™ was approved by the FDA in December 2018 and is expanding its market share in the EU, Australia, Japan, and other countries.

Source: Roceso Technologies Private Limited

Challenges in neurorehabilitation and the EsoGLOVE™ rehabilitation system

1. Task-oriented approach
Task-oriented training is known as a treatment with solid evidence in neurological rehabilitation. Task-directed training means that, for example, in the treatment of motor paralysis of the fingers, purposeful movements such as “grab the ball on the table and put it in the box” are more effective than simply “opening and closing hands” moves. However, this task-oriented training has its challenges, such as the need for therapist assistance and frequent adjustment of the difficulty level to perform complex movements in patients with motor paralysis. The accuracy depends on the therapist’s experience.

In addition, current limb motor function therapies and solutions are very bulky and time-consuming to set up. The probes attached to the patient are large and difficult to move, the cords are obstructive, and they are inconvenient to carry around. For these reasons, they are not sufficiently widespread in daily practice. Many therapists who have experience with neurorehabilitation may feel frustrated because they cannot stimulate individual muscle contractions as much as they would like.

2. EsoGLOVE™ System
The EsoGLOVE™ System brings us closer to solving these problems. It is an Exoskeleton-type soft robotic glove rehabilitation system designed to rehabilitate and assist the hand. The patient wears the glove, which helps with finger bending and fine motor movements, enabling task-oriented training through continuous altruistic and active-assisted exercises. The glove itself of EsoGLOVE™ is lightweight (150-180gm). It enables functional task training and offers excellent comfort. It is also easily portable and can be used in hospitals and clinics and even at home. It enables patients with neurological disorders such as stroke to carry out ongoing rehabilitation daily in a safe environment. 

Source: Roceso Technologies Private Limited

In the second part of this article, I will introduce the detailed specifications of EsoGLOVE™ and the results of clinical studies using it.

(To be continue to the next part) 


1) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 「『平成29年(2017)患者調査の概況』 5 主な傷病の総患者数」, https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/kanja/17/dl/05.pdf
2) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 「『平成28年 国民生活基礎調査の概況』 IV 介護の状況 2 要介護者等の状況」, https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/k-tyosa/k-tyosa16/dl/16.pdf

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【Roceso Technologies】

Roceso Technologies is a world pioneer in soft robotic exoskeleton technologies and leader in neurological technologies. Its soft robotic solutions provide functional assistance to patients with limb motor function impairments during rehabilitation and daily living. The company’s flagship product, the EsoGLOVE™, is one of the world lightest hand rehabilitation and exoskeleton devices offering top functionality and comfort. EsoGLOVE™ Hand Rehabilitation System has been registered with FDA, approved by EU (CE), Singapore (HAS), Japan (FDA), Korea (FDA), Malaysia (MDA) and Australia (TGA). On top of EsoGLOVE™ system, Roceso Technologies is also offering rehabilitation assessment, gamification and platform technologies. The company has clinical partners around the globe and distribution network in more than 10 countries. Their distribution partner in Japan is Inter Reha Co. Limited. https://www.irc-web.co.jp/

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U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

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